Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bonds isn't as Bad as McGwire

Ed posted a comment on Vinny's last entry asking if I didn't also have strong feelings about Barry Bonds. What can I say about Bonds? Not much that hasn't been said, really. My personal bete noire in all of this is Mark McGwire, whom I loathe with a passion that I just can't raise for Bonds.

See, everybody has always known that Bonds was a jackass, but to Bonds' credit, he never tried to be anything else until the manure hit the fan last month. Now, he's all about taking care of his family. Whatever you think sells, Barry, is okay by me. And aside from love of family, Barry's apparently trying to sell hatin' whitey pretty hard too. Okay, that's a time honored strategy in America, so go for it.

As you know if you read this blog, I've got little tolerance for either the cynical manipulators who play the race card at the drop of a hat or their fuzzy headed enablers. The thing is, I think Bonds has kind of got a point. Where's the outrage over McGwire? The lousy SOB boo-hoo-hooed his way through testimony in front of Congress in a way that a guy like Bonds never would be allowed to emulate.

Why does McGwire get so little attention while Bonds gets raked over the coals? Sure, the fact that McGwire is yesterday's news has a lot to do with it, but I've got to tell you, I think the color of his skin is a factor here. Of course, the biggest reason everybody's jumping on Bonds is that aside from Ty Cobb, Barry may be the least likeable man ever to play the game.

But he's got something else in common with Cobb too: he's one of the greatest baseball players who ever lived--and he was a first ballot Hall of Famer before he ever alleged to have touched a steroid. In contrast, McGwire was the classic one trick pony.

It's got to gall Bonds to see how McGwire not only hogged the glory during his chase of Maris, but now has managed to avoid the negative spotlight that's shining so intently on him.

Frankly, it galls me too.

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