Thursday, November 03, 2005

Pity Party

Sometimes, you've just got to shake your head at the arrogance of the average NFL owner. My new pal, New Orleans Saints owner Tom Benson, is at it again. Apparently, people who are trying to put their lives back together after seeing their city destroyed don't take too kindly to a fat cat looking to move his team to greener pastures, and aren't afraid to let him know it.

Like everyone in Northeast Ohio, I've got no sympathy for Mr. Benson's bruised feelings. Go ahead, Tom, make everyone's day and stay away from the Saints' home games--such as they are--for the rest of the season. Then, when you skedaddle with your team for San Antonio, be sure to blame the politicians and say things like "I had no choice."

Oh, and by the way, isn't it great to see the umbrage this clown takes at the thugs who he contends were threatening him? Hey, bud, welcome to the average NFL fan's typical Sunday experience. Thanks to the level of boorish behavior that you and your colleagues have tolerated for years, you've managed to drive everyone else's wives and kids from the stadiums, so turnabout is fair play.

Cheer up, Tom--unlike everybody else who has been subjected to this behavior at an NFL game, at least you get the beer revenues.

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