Sunday, April 30, 2006

Swing and a miss.

I think a lot of teams are going to look back on this draft and ask themselves how they let CB, Ashton Youbouty of Ohio State, and OT, Eric Winston of Miami, Florida, slip into the third round.

By the way, you might hate Belichik (and there's good reason for it), but his post-season record is pretty impressive. That means Art Modell fired two of the most successful post-season coaches of all time: the great Paul Brown and the mealy-mouthed but highly successful Bill Bellyache. That's a nice legacy. And, the haters blame his exclusion from the football Hall of Fame on the Browns' fans. Let's face it, say what you will about the guy. His heart may have been in the right place about the on-field issues, but he just happens to be a dunce. That was his undoing. So, before I sign off, piss on Art.

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